
The barry-oliver scene reminded me just how gruesome and dark the first 2 seasons of arrow were.

Especially given that it was set up perfectly for Caitlyn to reveal her powers while saving Barry. They even said if there was a way to slow Shade's vibrations down.

I'd like it if Alchemy made some kind of doppelganger of characters. It'd also explain the KF vs Vibe fight if it made another Cisco. I just feel like that fight is gonna be a red herring

It made me wonder if her mom was gonna have something to do with it.

Also probably hypothermia

"Anyway, shouldn’t that kid be content with hassling videogame journalists on Twitter?"

Is the show worse than Dexter? I never watched the walking dead but just wanted to know how bad it's gotten

I mean it sounds like this was the first episode in a year and a half that arrow could be described as "gritty"

I assume all arrow viewers watch flash at this point. It's just a question of how many flash viewers follow Arrow

I guess they're not going to have Wells in Earth 1 as having survived then

I just found his motivations to be dumb. Zoom was much better when it looked like he was just doing things on a whim.

Watching videos from season 1 and 2 oliver used to be very calculating in going after villains. In season 3 and especially 4 he just takes them head on.

Honestly moving Arrow from the season 1 and 2 character who was much more of a street level hero was a mistake. When they started making things campy the show went downhill

Well they had interns write that Cupid episode so is there any level of stupidity they wouldn't ok?

We kinda had that one in season 3

I haven't seen an episode since the Cupid one last season. Is it worth it watching this season?

Also pep talk makes him instantly remember how to use his powers which he just forgot the moment earlier

So Mericle is basically saying "yeah we fucked up, but we fixed this part"

Well he implied that he was going to be taken down because of Barry's reckless decision as well.

Or candy