
I would say for people like me who don’t have the opportunity to sit in front of a TV a few hours everyday to play it.

If “flossing” = “JRPG villain” then yes, but then again hip-hop has been bragging about conspicuous consumption since the late 1970's. Autographs, champagne and bubble baths. That’s the life that I lead. Martini & Rossi, Asti Spumante. I made the change from a common thief to up close and personal with Robin Leach.

the witcher 3 is not trash.

You didn’t read the article did you? You just saw the headline, and raced to the comments so you can make your insanely clever and funny joke.

I never got around to playing it, so I quite welcome the remake.

Actually, all of the backgrounds were rendered in 3D first, then rasterized into 2D images. So yes, it would be expensive, considering that there are a few hundred backgrounds in the game, all of which were created by artists for the original title.

The general game-style may not be for all, but in my opinion FFIX’s backgrounds are among the most beautiful and consistent in the history of pre rendered backgrounds, if not the best.

The backlash is real. It’s cool to call her a bad actress now.

She’s been good in pretty much everything she does bar the X-Men films that aren’t First Class. Plus she’s not even 30 yet, she’s got a potentially long career ahead of her. Scarlett Johansson did about three good films out of the dozens she was in from 2004 to 2011, and I’d still call her a very good actress at her

...mother! F

My uncle works for Nintendo.

Wait I thought this was being developed by that company not this company...

In addition to new games? Absolutely. There are a lot of old AAA games that I’d totally replay (or play for the first time) if I had them on Switch, solely because it’s portable.

Not my Link

I’m all for this kind of stuff. Video games should be fun and this type of dlc fits nicely in that category. I wish more companies did this stuff.

This isn’t any more weird than wearing N7 armor in FFXIII-2. This may actually get me to play the game again for the first time since competing the Prompto episode.

Man, I’m a really big fan of black and subtle, small finishes of green. I think Razer, before their sleek Blade (or whatever they’re called) laptops went too much in the black and green, but the more modern more subtle touches of green looks awesome on black

I’m mostly angry that i didn’t have to blow on the picture before it worked.