
Of all the crazy ideas I've heard today, this seems the most plausible.

(I'm not explaining for you, Phoenix, I'm explaining to anybody else who might read this)


1) Twin Snakes was on Gamecube, and hasn't been seen elsewhere, probably because Nintendo has some form of rights to Twin Snakes specifically.

2) Kojima

I would rather see a film based on Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.

Why did you have to include those last two sentences? You had a legitimate question up until then, and now you just look like a giant asshole.

I'm the lead engine developer. I honestly didn't do it for any kind of political agenda or to make any kind of statement. I did it because the Sega Dreamcast was my favorite console growing up, and I literally taught myself how to code C and C++ just to develop games for it. It launched my engineering and game

The cop was later asked to write an essay on exemplary policing for the Washington Post.

That accomplished something very important: It shook off the srsbsns vibe that left a bad taste in Ground Zeroes player's mouths.

That's my statement for every game trailer I see.

Saying that something looks Wind Waker-esque isn't a criticism, just like calling something Ico-esque couldn't be considered so either. I didn't see Jason state anywhere that there was no room for others to use this technique. Complete strawman argument. I happen to agree with both of you. It's certainly reminiscent

i kinda liked Remember Me.

I won fair and sqaure, give me the sword and I'll get out of you hair. Dark Link's got some sic rhymes.

I thought the gameplay was really tight, but it feels a lot more stage based than the rest of the series which always felt like I was exploring and finding secrets throughout the world.

Wait, what? This was easily on par with the first Turtles movie as the only worthwhile addition to the series. It was funny, it had great action, the characters felt right and it had Patrick Stewart as a narrator.

Really? I thought it was pretty solid for a kid's movie. It was a solid homage to the old animated show, which made about as much sense as the nitpicking that goes on here.

TRUE "TITANS" FACT: The film's Jerry "Reverend" Harris is not only NOT an ordained minister, but he is not, in fact, Jerry "Reverend" Harris. He, too, is an actor. Also, that actor is not an ordained minister or cleric of any kind.

TRUE "TITANS" FACT: There exist many, many mountains that would have kept an unaided Marvin Gaye— or any of the others singing his song in the film— from returning to their estranged beloved.

You want to see gameplay...from a game that was released a decade ago? They showed in-engine stuff at E3...

But is IS financially competent to buy them when they become chaper.