
Trying to justify it by saying these are “industry-standard established ranges based on experience” is especially fucked-up, given the strength of their resumes. He had one movie screenwriting credit and one “story by” credit prior to Crazy Rich Asians. She’d been writing for television for two decades. It’s a flimsy


If the Russians know how fat I am at any given time, they’ll figure out the exact moment to launch the attack. We can’t let that happen.

I listened to this album during a long drive Sunday just off the strength of your recommendation.  I like what he's trying to do.  He's trying to do what Wyclef has always wanted to do, but somehow make it more accessible.  I definitely like it, and I will listen again. 

On this episode of “Let’s remember some failed police propaganda programs”: D.A.R.E.

Rolled my eyes so hard I saw my own brain.

“Sir, this is an empty room”

I honest to God have no idea who you’re arguing with right now.

Now playing

They’ve got maybe three-quarters of a first half of a season before they start losing four fifths of their games. Big Poppa Pump said it best.

Me: [Clicking through pictures of ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend on Facebook]

You’re my hero. SFMTA is trying to do the right thing here in our neighborhood (Lower Haight) by removing some traffic lanes and adding bike lanes on a few blocks of Page near Buchanan, but it’s unclear what the long-term vision is. Also the neighborhood discussion has quickly degenerated into car owner versus cyclist

Well, considering it’s a planned retirement community with (apparently) rampant STDs, I wouldn’t worry too much about what they have to say.

I would just like to ask her that if she believes in Adam and Eve (who I’m sure she believes were white), where do all the other races come from? How did we get here? Either her head is going to explode from thinking about it or mine is from her answer.

you brave soul. i hope you’re doing ok.

And why does it have to be people playing football? Why can’t it be dogs?

Ray Ratto thinks every time a team wants a play reviewed, it should have to pay $1 million in cash on the spot to a local charity, or take the call it got and shut up about it.


Last time I was in Vegas, the road was indeed covered in leaves.
But all the leaves had pictures of naked women on them. It was absolutely as weird as it sounds.

I’m glad they did the experiment. Yes, it didn’t work, but that’s why it was an experiment. Some limitations were known - efficiency, sub-optimal sunlight, etc. Many of the variables were unknown - resin durability, tire noise, etc. The test was conducted, results derived. This is a win IMO.

Over the past few years, I’ve noticed that I need the closed-captioning on my TV because it seems like no one enunciates and many actors mumble or slur their words that I can’t understand. It has heightened my awareness of how many really great movies and DVDs don’t offer it. Having interpreters at concerts is a great