
does that app specify ‘if driving at speed limit you will reach this location at this time w/ approximately this much battery’? i have found that those are mostly unrealistic when driving at, ahem,normal’ speeds on highways

This might be my one and only chance to use this properly but....

Joe I am now patiently waiting on your recap from last nights match! please and thank you

Umm “isn’t new”????

Oh is this the real reason stars and stripes was defunded?


wait...they brought back the blazer?? I’m on this site everyday and had no idea. Must not have missed anything important I guess, back into my cave i go. not that i actually left it.

Isn’t the community you work for supposed to be the people that know you and not just a select group of friends?

Oh good, I’m not the only one singing it’s praises from the rooftops!

But as a member of the diaspora, my entire existence is shaped by imperialism and colonization.

It’s the robot from Doom Patrol!


I’ll raise you the pit of hell that is the TMZ comment section

They essentially did this at a concert i went to a few years ago, when they both performed 45 min long medley’s. One of the greatest concerts I’ve been too.

Thanks for this. my huawei watch2 sport is getting long in the tooth but still more reliable than newer one’s I have tried. Ill check it out despite the pricing which seems like i just need to bite the bullet on

Thanks for this. my huawei watch2 sport is getting long in the tooth but still more reliable than newer one’s I have

and I quote Don’t Be a Menace to South Central way too often. Now tell me Do. We. Have. A. Problem?

Look at only the top half of that front view. Tell me how that isn’t a fusion and how it’s more agressive?

that is quite the yawn that thing is letting out and I couldn’t agree more.

screw a hummer give me my electric gto already!!

53 percent of black cops feel like white officers are treated better, as opposed to 1 percent of white cops who feel this way.