What no pool? No adult size bounce house? Where are the jacksonville like perks??
What no pool? No adult size bounce house? Where are the jacksonville like perks??
Congrats to the smart person who ran up and starting jumping/grinding on olivia munn. Planned or improvised?
His post yesterday prompted me to spend exactly 38 minutes on youtube looking at Hibachi’s highlights.
I can’t get over the fact that he continued to dance while trying to help her. Which just looks like he’s dry humping her.
Holy hell...this past Sunday’s episode of Ballers was based on a true story?!?!?!
How convenient, on the day of the french gawker reveal...hmmmmmm
I think I could convince myself to watch a movie of John Rambo dealing with the PTSD of taking thousand of lives.
This has been great. Can anyone recommend some travel book reading on Japanese culture
Ha, heavily pigmented. That’s classic.
Wait...when was the exact moment that InTouch became a credible source for journalism? I’m just shocked is all and not trying to criticize their efforts.
What about the simple clerical error of marking minorities race as ‘white’?
I would suggest somehow trying to track down the falsely accused driver and see how long it takes to get that reimbursement back.
would you be enjoying yourself if you watched an hr and a half of free throws?
They should take the next month or two off after the Monday Night Raw show. They only spend the latter half of the year starting the buildup towards wrestlemania. Half the fun in other sports is getting that break to digest the biggest moment of that sport. Wrestling doesn’t give fans that instead they just shove crap…
BC you simply ‘nudge’ the cars on either side of you out of the way right?