Reckoning Day

You think you can rule ( or bully) peoples thinking and actions do you ?. Hitler was a dictator . He committed suicide. ALL dictators.. in ALL of human history, have come to a bad end. That seems to be your personally chosen future, dictator ! Good riddance to you and your ilk . pffffft !

The US military is the biggest exhaust emissions polluter on earth. Nothing heartfelt will EVER be positively done with THAT human killing machine, by those imperfect USA sinful humans though. Beware Reckoning Day however. -GOD.

Anyone who opines opposite to you, in your OWN personal opinion, is contradictory. Yes of course, to you, a narcissist. Not a good quality in your part, or any human’s....

Was fun with Richard Petty in the old days.....

Did I say I was a nationalist, like you ? You make me upchuck. Did I say I support sinful weak, unsuported by God, man-made government, Canada included ? Nope. I won’t salute ANY countries, their man-made governments, or their crappy pathetic flags either as I don’t worship any country, or their pukey Satan derived

But back on topic you stupid asinine idiot... (love yah !) Tell us of you and your loving American blood-lust KILLING in regards to airborne war machines... Go ahead and promote your ugly useless Satanically puppeteered product. KILL kill

Bugs your little pea-brain doesn’t ?... Good !

How can you trust a scrape ?

The poor children.... Their minds will be messed up forever ! Huge psychiatrist bills will now ensue... sigh...

Pilot error ?

BURN it, but DON’T worship it !....

Yah but you have absolutely no humor or you would have had the class or even or even the temerity, vicious or otherwise, to comment on my bare arms, igloo, beaver, moose jokes.... Effen Dweeb !

Hah hah.... Even more fake bullshit...

‘I’ you dictate. How arrogant.

Man, are you eveeeeer weird. Been down in the dark basement too long ? I suspect so. Get out and get some sunlight human, Be happy !....

Was I unclear ? hmmm...Did I somehow give you the impression I gave an actual shit ? By the way, back on topic, how is your murdering in jets with weapons, killing someone else just because they don’t believe in your bullshit USA philosophies going ? Tis going well ? Good for you and your leader Satan. Take your USA

Ford lover ??

Yah... not a Z06.

I lie you say ? You will grasp at anything, won’t you ? Piss ant.

Oh, so they ‘REMOVED’ Elvis Presley... Smart...really really smart... pfffffft !