
I'm young(ish) and I love what Oregon and all the other schools are doing with new and flashy jerseys. I like the Ducks, my point was simply that the jersey they chose for Oregon wasn't nearly as hideous as some of their past jerseys (hence my pic), and I think they're really dialing in their jerseys to something

Absolutely agree, personally I like Oregon and think they're fun to watch and think they have some awesome jerseys, but the do go a bit overboard.

You could make a 17 Worst Jerseys with just Oregon. And while we're picking on Oregon, this is a prime example.

That's a good point, I did not catch that the movements were so close together. This is a very impressive accomplishment, but would like to see more follow on with some really cool stuff, which is a ways away of course.

I wonder about the scientific validity of this. I didn't see really any peer review on the testing, and if the person who was "receiving" the command to press the button already knew what command they were receiving, I wonder how valid this test was. If they had performed different, random, and unknown movements, I

I really disagree with this statement: "Apple will still sell millions of iPhones. That's indisputable. But it will sell less than it would have if no one had any idea what the iPhone 5S or 5c looked like."

Anybody know if you were to buy a license now, if it would be compatible with Bootcamp on a Mac by the time Mac supports it? My assumption would be yes...

It's a VERY Popular last name in China, I believe, at least somewhere in Asia. I had 2 TAs and professor with the last name during school too.

No Global Hawk?! Boooo! Definitely one of the best new spy planes out there.

That's true, but if you read my other post, a computer like this isn't possible without directly integrating stuff like the RAM, a separate port would make this design impossible. I agree with you it sucks you can't fix it yourself, but that's a sacrafice you have to make in order to get a computer such as this.

Most people in the comments seem to dislike the computer because it's not repairable. That's a completely valid point of view, however I think many are missing the point that in order to get a laptop this small, all of that stuff HAD to be integrated (proprietary SSD aside, which I agree is out there). There was no

Can you name a computer company you've had a better "get it fixed" experience with? It's been a while since I've had a PC, but to my understanding most of the PC manufacturers "get it fixed" options are little to non existent.

Thanks for the insight I just went with the 27" iMac to save a LOT of money and am pretty stoked!

I am having quite the delima and I'm hoping some of you can help me out or at least give me your opinion.

Um they're going to get information from their own camps and strongholds that we just recorded? Also information in the drones is typically (tho not always) not stored onboard, it's immediately streamed to a satellite that beams it back to it's base so the risk of that I would say is minimal to non-existent.

As someone in the aerospace industry: HELL YES!

Awesome new design, but as someone who works for Northrop Grumman and has experience with how these government contracts pan out I would put it at 90% probability that Boeing gets the contract because of their experience and NG and LM both get a 5% likelihood of winning.

I had an engineering professor that did his post doc work on this. It's really interesting stuff, but the project he was working on also incorporated drug delivery into the package, so if something was found a drug could be delivered directly to the area it needed to be.

I love the name meatworm even more

Can't wait for this lawsuit to start after it makes a ton of people worse.