
Why would they ruin it like that...

The track record so far is about 98% test success rate, so very, very good.

Because Lulz Sec and Anon hate Canada for being pot smoking hippies and want to show him how crappy his google+ password is.

Lol no kidding they're probably working on a super thin 17 and 20-inch too.

Lol that things like a foot deep, I'm scared for the things coming out of you.

I would say it's a superior design compared to anything available today-which is the definition of superior, is it not.

Haha no, just right.

Exact same thing. Works 60% of the time, every time.

Excellent point.

I've got one of these I bought in 2006. 5 years old and I've never had a single problem with it... ever. I'm still a poor student, but once I get out a newly refreshed air, for my personal computer, will be the first thing I buy. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better, more reliable laptop for college.

I agree with you for the most part, but you can get the quad core i7s in the 13 in and up to 8 gigs of ram compared to dual core and 4 gig max in the airs right? (I may be wrong on the quad core i7 in the 13 in)

Curious the price difference between yours and the airs though? I could look it up but I also don't know what other configuration options you got.

They're talking about the 2010 Pros, they've since updated them in 2011 with the SD, and that update came out a while ago.

Lol compare Apples to Apples ... :) ... Apple outsells any single Android manufacturer by a huge margin. They're saying iPhone compared to Motorolla or HTC, not Apple to Android which everyone knows Android wins when it comes to just phones.

Sorry for the double post, not sure what happened... But anyways 3G refers to the cell phone coverage. You can get an iPad with 3G, but you have to pay a cell carrier (ATT, Verizon) monthly for the 3G.

Hard to fit a graphics card in the ultra portable line of laptops... You're paying for the size, and the guts aren't bad for the price. And like others have mensioned battery life would suffer tremendously.

Lol don't get your panties in a bunch, I did read the article and it doesn't change the fact that Potassium isn't radioactive and doesn't contribute shit to heat. There are no sources on the Scientific American article nor peer reviews and there seem to be some errors there too.

All they need to add is blue LEDs along all those sweet grey lines on the top and bottom, and we'll be halfway to getting ourselves into computers.