
He's Canadian...

Hyundai Equus

i has a happy!

diesels are dirty, polluting, blue-smoke blowing, environment-killing, slow heaps of euro-junk that sound like a semi and go like a snail.

i am a student at umass and was in the tower overlooking berkshire (the dining common building nearest in the video) and the cops really did have guns...rubber bullet guns, and they fired them. they also blew off 3 flash bangs, smoke grenades, mounted swat and dogs.

Now playing

I am personally a fan of the SL55. Especially this one. At around 22 seconds, the hounds of hell are released and i have a crisis.

and a big heart-clickey for you sir

just a question - the link to the chevy trucks. it says export markets - north america... how? wont customs eat it as soon as it gets off the boat?

unless im mistaken, i spot a north american style plate. so im assuming somebody from the good ol US of A ordered this. obviously.

H ow

i was totally unaware of the one for pontiac until i looked it up - its not funny. Very classy of you sir for throwing the banhammer down to those who use it though. Thank you for showing the internet still has manners, somewhere.

that rant has officially earned you a heart clicky mi amigo

and a partridge in a pear tree. good work sir!

yo i just bought an iphone 4 yesterday and im desperate for ios5. is there any way i could buy a dev account for cheap?

snookie needs a booster still?

this all depends on my worst enemy:

what do i have to do to you to be your worst enemy?

Herbie. In all honesty, no other car was so simplistic, yet so incredibly durable. It's style was opaque enough yet fashionable enough to be relevant into the 90s (or whenever Mexicans stopped making them). The Beetle is a shit car. But better looking than the MKIV Golf in an oval body we have today?

sir, if i could heart click you again, i would.

the new jersey plate listed isnt a custom plate- XXX##X was our layout until last year, resulting in the hilarious VAG plates.