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    The correct response is to loot our cities, destroy businesses and wear super cool shirts with fun words in the front and back. Oh and of course resist arrest. YOU MUST resist arrest for it to count, if not you’re not really protecting your rights!

    Its called competition, If I own a warehouse and also own a trucking company of course I would discount my customers that use my storage and my trucking. This is just called a competitive advantage, an added utility that a corporation can increase their value by adding features to its lineup.

    Has it occurred to anyone that the officer may do undercover work and getting photographed isn’t exactly the best way for them to stay undercover in the operations they may be running? Terrorist groups collect images of any law enforcement all the time to connect their ties.

    I’m SO offended, I’m going to go to my Safe Space and talk about how a tweet made all the rainbows inside of me disappear.

    I agree, I just kept wondering where the kicker is. Apparently everything needs to be handed on silver spoons for people.

    A Base TAHOE or Yukon SLE matches most descriptions. He could even go for the PPV Tahoe for Vinyl flooring