Has anyone found a true-life replica of the Hot Wheels Greased Gremlin? I'd buy that for a dollar...
Has anyone found a true-life replica of the Hot Wheels Greased Gremlin? I'd buy that for a dollar...
I like it. If I thought it would pull mid-20 mpg's on the highway, I would seriously consider it as a dd today. Unfortunately, gotta be a little more practical for my wife's sanity.
Poetry in motion, that Versailles...
What the?!? I had no idea JW ever played Genghis Kahn. That's going to haunt me...
Same here. Great book, better car.
True story, bro.
This one time my buddy and I were driving along and we saw a lambo drive into a lake.
Yep, that's the CTS. I think the description yesterday was that it has a bunch of buttons from a VCR.
Who is this Manuel Awd of which you speak?
I think you're supposed to drive the Interceptor after the apocolypse. Amirite?
best passenger view I can find...
The 1st-gen Javelin (68-70) was a really clean design. I have a '73 in pieces in my garage, but have always preferred the lines of the earlier models to the mixed design queues of the 2nd-gen. I love the dash in the 71-74, though...cockpit for the driver, giant empty expanse right against the firewall for the…
Scaramanga's evil scientists perfected this years ago. Who needs lightness when you have a jet engine and amazing aerodynamic AMC design!
Mmm, Mackinac fudge. I see what (I think) you did there...
Dude - no helmet? C'mon, safety first!
Super Pursuit!!
Nice for what it is, but no, no, no, no, no, no, 1000 times no!
Good ol' Greg of Akron, OH even made the JCW catalog: [jalopnik.com]
Just skip to 4:38 for how this applies...
Nice - Going to have to hit the attic tonight and get out my Rough Riders case. I think there's an even mix of Rough Riders and Stompers in there.