Wii Music...
Me and my friends are always lending each other games.
I can't wait to get my 360 back so I can play this. Good review btw.
Best of luck to them.
America has lower standards than Japan apparently.
It's been up for a while. I still like the classic Kotaku better, though.
Really confused. Console or PC mod?
I wish I had this.
He's been talking about what a big horror fan he is. It could be true, or just a misunderstanding of what he said.
I'm all for a good snoopy game, but there's something about shooting down planes as such a beloved character is a little unsettling.
Some people get really into buying Braid.
What's the difference between this, and playlist.com?
Damn. Now how am I supposed to stay warm at night?
Not really funny
Weird. I was actually just thinking about that today. Then again, there aren't many great RPGs for the 360 or PS3 either.
I stepped on one of my Guitar Hero Guitars. The whammy bar no longer works.
MIdnight launch of Gears 2 Hell yeah!!! And if I can find a good deal for AC/DC at a later date then that too.
November 7th can't come soon enough.