Carlo Von Sexron

I’d though I’d seen every incarnation of bros doing stupid bro shit to drink a beer, but never have I seen someone start a shotgun by using their teeth. Holy shit.

If this were in Tahiti, the Bison would be the one getting tossed into oblivion.

Lamby Sosa supports him in his innocence.

Lambs Armstrong denies all the accusations!

A reckless beaning is worse than trucking a catcher, given the circumstances.

It’s almost like our founding fathers new what they were talking about when they separated church and state...

But was it videotaped? That could be the difference between a 2 game suspension and a lifetime ban.

Half of what you typed is bias and propaganda. You aren’t a real reporter.

Was Grayson Allen in the Cobra Kai at some point ?

Wonderful. Gizmodo is now a Luddite blog. All smart devices should be banned and people should be hired to do the work. Instead of a computer, everybody should have a person running around behind them for things like tip math. 

Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?

If your kid starts crying because it’s time to leave the park you have bigger issues that need to be addressed instead of avoided.

This is a good trick to pull out when the goal is to head off tantrums. But I think most of the time it is counterproductive. It’s better for parents to suck it up in the short term and do the 5 minute thing because it teaches kids to have an awareness of time. This is one of the “kindergarten skills” that fewer and

Deadspin/GMG has actively participated in and encouraged online and IRL harassment on too many occasions to count. Both the writers themselves and the childish commenters are guilty of this. That this is completely lost on you is explained by incredible narcissism and detachment from reality.

Deadspin’s stance on this guy and his sexual assault allegations would carry more weight if not for the crickets when the accused was Greg Howard.

there’s far more celebs that show up on bar stool eating pizza with Dave than with any of the lame douche bags from deadspin.

barstool sports is like deadspin without being a constant preachy holier than thou douche bag all the time.

Still better, more popular, more successful, and more relevant than deadspin. Surprised you’ve gone a whole month before posting another barstool hate post. Deadspin getting desperate for them clicks again lmao

And this differs from other entry level factory jobs how?