This is why I’m doing my first playthrough on the PS4. Next year when I get a new video card, there will be a plethora of reasons to play through again on PC.
This is why I’m doing my first playthrough on the PS4. Next year when I get a new video card, there will be a plethora of reasons to play through again on PC.
Why are people releasing new games next week? I’ll be playing Witcher 3 for at least the next 3 weeks. Also, the world revolves around me.
Again with the “urban car culture” schtick? I can’t do races on an open world with traffic. I spend so much time looking at my mini-map that I hit the minivan going 30. Ugh, I may have to wait till this game is “On the House” to play it.
Why is it not Tuesday! I need my farming simulator.... or Witcher 3.
Having loved Sid Meir’s Pirates since first playing it in the 90’s, I may have to pick this one up. It might even distract me from the fact that Witcher III isn’t out yet.
I got this on android, but instantly hated the control scheme. If this comes to the west, I’ll have to get it.
Yes, a thousand times, Yes. I am so hype.
I am very interested in the results of this post. I’ve been wanting to get into the home waffling game, yet have been too timid to make the plunge...
I am very interested in the results of this post. I’ve been wanting to get into the home waffling game, yet have…
Arcania The Complete Tale... I was about to make fun of the PS4 port, then I remembered that I beat the whole damn thing on pc a couple of years ago. I liked the first hour, then kinda never stopped liking it I ddin’t hate the battle system, and the quests were easy to follow. Neptunia kinda sounds like my jam. I’ll…
Yeah, Multiplayer isn’t really my thing, but I do like to have infinite mana or no carry weight in the games that I play.
Gran Turismo 2. I still play through it every summer, and it JUST WORKS!
I frequently use trainers in single player games. I wonder if they will be cracking down on this?
I think this game coming west is a wonderful sign of things to come. I can't wait to play it!
I can't get over the fact that the game was originally released in Japan as Final Fantasy USA: Mystic Quest.
This is such good news! Dragon Warrior/Quest has been a wonderful part of my life the NES days.
finishing Dragon Age Inquisition again, then Tales of Hearts R.
I put 86 hours into beating the PC version, and now I'm 25 hours into another run on the PS4, and loving every second of it. I have to say, that I absolutely in favor of the way they handled the controls. This game is meant to be controller with a gamepad without question. This game fundamentally handles…
"While Microsoft has sold versions specifically for the PC — whether corded or with a wireless adapter — you don't need them. You can use any old 360 pad so long as you've got a USB cord for it, which makes picking one up a relatively cheap affair for such a quality solution."