
“Apple doesn’t have 80% market share for anything,”

It’s just like Chicago except everyone is nice to you there! 

Not participating in social media at all seems like the best thing to do these days.

“Each name in the credits is a person, and each person has a story. There’s stories of success and failure mixed together in the credits of every game. Some people listed have been in the industry for decades, and some are just finishing their first game. Some will go and climb the ranks, while others will stay in the

Something something REEEEEEE, something something CENSORSHIP.

I struggled through every single episode this season and still have to watch the finale. Will not be returning for S3.

It’s almost like we’d expect “journalists” to... oh, I don’t know... Research what they are writing about?

Ikr, I want majoras mask of the wild.

It’s so, so good. Usually I’m kind of a weenie when it comes to games, preferring to use guides and have full maps and stuff like that. I still do that to an extent with Hollow Knight (some areas, finding Conifer to get the map takes a little too long for my liking) but I’m definitely way more open to trying to mostly

Dude...go for a walk or something...

My favorite LGBTQ moment in video games was probably Borderlands 2. I can’t remember exactly all the places it occurs but the game essentially has a bunch of gay relationships and none of them are seen as a relationship different from the norm. It’s just a fact of life in the Borderlands universe. I feel like that’s

Ugh, I was hoping it would stop cluttering Kotaku’s feed. I remember those glory days when most stories weren't about Overwatch and the like.

Thank you, Compete staff, for all your hard work. I always liked your logo.

A port machine married to your tv is redundant. A port machine you can use on the toilet...well that’s just beautiful.

The WiiU was a port machine, and that’s one of the primary things everyone hated about it.

No offense, but maybe the title should have been:

Microsoft backed off their idea that lead to that... will Sony have the balls to admit they’ve messed up and do the same?

There have been some pretty good memes over the years:

Wait till you see it again on ESPN over and over again until LeBron decides to leak that his favorite brunch spot is in LA.