
Remove right wing and your silly Trump comment at the end and your diatribe would ring true. If you haven’t noticed there are crazy leftists and anarchists and atheists and religiousists who bitch about politics too. (haha, I like that word I just made up)

Idiot Savant?

You’re just not at that level yet man!!! (The clerk at a Pagan store actually said this to me when I asked why all the pages in the book with a Pentagon on the cover were blank.)

Meh, it takes all kinds for the world to go round.

I didn’t say anything in a vacuum. I responded to Jason’s comment about competition with an argument about how free markets can be more complicated and nuanced than competition being the great end all of virtues. (I was more talking about Sega and Atari than anything if you are really hung up on specific companies

Now playing

Disturbed did a badass version too. (You’ll probably have to click into youtube itself seein as it’s an official video.)

I didn’t mention Nintendo in that comment either. I stated a common theme in free market systems. That statement could apply to any game hardware maker.

When did I mention Sony or Microsoft?

You said it much better than me. IE “competition is good,” only works when there is good competition in the current market. A free market will kill off the bad competition in the market it is CURRENTLY in.

It’s a hypothetical where Nintendo is heavily implied.

I didn’t mention Nintendo in my response. You filled that in. I simply stated a common concept in free markets and competition that happens in them.

Good point. But thinking Nintendo, or any other game hardware company, should spend all that money on R&D instead of partnering and using Nvidia’s tech to make a good product is also pretty silly.

Well yes, but you forget the other side of competition. If you are really bad at what you are competing in, like making good hardware, the people you are competing with will make you look bad and eventually “win.”

So if a company is really bad at making console hardware; they should either make better hardware or quit

I’ve played through Black Flag on both the PS3 and XBox One. While not earth shattering, the Xbox One version is a good jump up. Especially on the open sea. Developers were bitching, rightly so, about the 256 MB of ram in the old systems for years.

Now of course, you could make this same argument with a Xbox vs.

I never got a Wii U because of three games. Metroid, Zelda, and a good Mario Galaxy successor. These never materialized so I didn’t bother. Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and a new 2d Mario party game aren’t enough of a draw for me.

With Zelda, one of the 3 has materialized. Now I hope the other 2 can come out from the

So you’re making a wild assumption that these people are insecure with their own sexuality? Can’t some people just be assholes?

Problem with this line of reasoning is that not a lot of people bought the Wii-U in the first place.

If you have a Wii-U though. Yea, go for it.

You can download Google Maps to your Zelda HUD? Sounds like a copyright issue there.

Hmm, they should make it so your HUD can lose service like your phone out in the wild.

I know. I don’t really have the need for immediate satisfaction like I used to though. It’s saved me a lot of money.