
The satellite blew up. Sure the company, only lost time. Looking at it from purely the owner of the MexSat-1's standpoint it’s a net zero. Losing a perfectly good satellite is still a big loss. That 95 million covered by the insurance company isn’t free. It came from somewhere in the economy.

Well, to be fair, you lost a prefectly good satellite too.

Nah you were originally right I believe. Momentum shouldn’t outweigh traffic safety in all cases. Blowing past people on a bike can be unsafe too regardless of what your brakes are doing. I guess there’s a balance like there is to anything.

I’m so glad for the internet. No one would’ve gotten this in my usual social circles.

So did you all think rebranding Gawker.com as theconcourse.deadspin.com would be this easy?

Ha!! I think that solved people watching Top Gear at all. Never mind if it’s legal or not.

Cue: a hint; intimation; guiding suggestion

Yea, a good game Portal 2 was. I just started it again recently.

Hey all you who thought this was a Portal 2 article do realize that Portal 2 is not even cloes to 13 years old right?

I liked Yoshi’s Island! (Although IIRC, originally the Super Mario subtitle wasn’t on Yoshi’s Island)

Cues, man, cues. You can’t compare WoW combat to FFXIV directly because of differing GCDs and FFXIV being much more complicated than WOW. (At least since WOW simplified everything a couple expansions ago.)

My entire post is/was a superficial look at the inspiration for this expansion. I just noticed that a LOT of the

Didn’t FF8 still give you some loots for fleeing based on how much damage you did?

Breaking strings shouldn’t be a con of the instrument itself I guess though. I was thinking of a more bombastic scenario where a beginner would snap the neck or something. (Although I gouged the hell out of my fretboard on my first guitar because I got angry at my B string never staying in tune.)

Breaking strings shouldn’t be a con of the instrument itself I guess though. I was thinking of a more bombastic

One of the cons listed on that listing is “Breaks Easily.” I wonder if that’s because its chinsy or because beginning mandolin players breakit in frustration.

One of the cons listed on that listing is “Breaks Easily.” I wonder if that’s because its chinsy or because

He’s got kind of a Prince vibe going. Purple and all!

Nah, I watched my brother play the Demon Hunter CLASS. It definitely takes a lot of cues from the dragoon style. I like your response though. Someone with a basis in knowledge of FFXIV. It was refreshing to not have some WoW apologist berate me for daring to say Blizzard sucks. (I didn’t)

Yea, I’m guessing there will be really long and grindy quests later in the expansion or in subsequent patches to power it up though.

Wowzer. That’s some omega level integrity I don’t often hear. Good on ya!

I’m not saying your OP I responded to initially was incorrect. I was just saying it’s been around for awhile. IIRC it was a synonym for vindictive tramp at the time. Also, actually was part of a run on in an edit of the post. Look what time it was. NO coffee yet!

I’d be interested in knowing this as well. I jumped over to Forza after 3 came out.