
So the jewelry dealer is still prejudiced. Just against red Tahoes with dealer plates.

I don’t know if I’m an MRA, but I have sole custody of my children. I can say for me personally I was emotionally manipulated and abused as were my children by my former wife. Do I believe she was that way because she was a woman? No. I do believe she got away with it a lot longer though because she was a woman.

So he asked permission to go see a movie and she said yes? And than she got mad when he got home after seeing the movie? mmmmmm sounds like her fault more than his..... He was being a communicative partner and she was not.....

1991 is not that long ago and times haven’t changed that much except for gay acceptance. People still keep secrets, and people still don’t always do things that are in their own best interests. This will continue to happen, until we are ruled by robots. I don’t know what will happen then.

There's a number of matriarchal cultures still in existence.

So is this genetic or cultural? If genetic than it just has to accepted. Has there been any study on females like this regarding femanity?

Unless you have insider info I would say the situation is reversed. Kojima is deciding to leave and is requiring konami to stop trading on his name. He's their golden goose. Do you really think so power mad exec is trying to get rid of him?

That's not stupid. That's buying marketshare. They can spend untold dollars marketing Budweiser to a demographic that are unlikely to purchase it, or they could spend a whole bunch coming up with a craft beer brand and than marketing dollars promoting it to try and take that marketshare....or.....OR.... They could

It's a well made commercial directed at their demographic. If you were in an agency or marketing you would understand.

Under what pretense do you get 10,000 peace volunteers into a sovereign country to listen to people's problems and help them change a dictatorial state? How does that work? This is the dumbest thing I have heard today.

Japan has a fixation on food and eating in general. There are plenty of Jpop songs devoted to food. I can't count the number of mindless shows dedicated to food. There's got to be at least 10-12 hour long shows with various Tarento eating something and going OIISHIIIIII!!!!

Maybe the reason that only 15% of domestic violence victims are men is because it is not reported. As a past and current victim of both mental and physical abuse from the woman I am married too...I don't say a word to anyone about it for a variety of reasons valid to me and my situation. I'm not an MRA type, but it

September 29, 1972: Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka said to the people of the People's Republic of China: "The Japanese side is keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious damage that Japan caused in the past to the Chinese people through war, and deeply reproaches itself. Further, the Japanese side reaffirms

$5 says bloggers in China or Korea will say this is militaristic indoctrination of Japan's youth and everything that goes along with that....

Diesel electric locomotives are actually moved via electric motor only. The diesel part only to generate electricity. So why not a hybrid?