Texas Nomad

do I need to post the Margaret Atwood quote or do we all just know it by heart at this point?

“She was always belittling him”

I am ashamed to admit that it took me more than a few minutes to get “knee grow.” Why come up with a great team name like “Wet Dream Team” and not use sexual innuendo names? So easy... DP3, Matt Boner, just to name a couple of quick ones.  

Also, didn’t John Goodman ask to be written out of the show because he couldn’t stand Roseanne Barr? I wonder why he could come back for this?

“This is my regret face.”

collecting a paycheck. *shrugs*

Smh hasn’t the use of Brown Strawmen done enough damage in this country?

What are you doing, John Goodman? :(

I like how all the wipers are in the air like the cars just gave up and surrendered to the onslaught of ice.

At least his wipers won’t stick to the windshield. #silverlining

Y’all already published the “Tee hee! I’ve never heard of Star Wars!” article when the last one came out.

No he doesn’t, but if he isn’t honestly, what’s the alternative?

Think about the implication if she actually is a Skywalker or a Solo; so Han, Leia, Luke or any combination of those three just abandoned her on a backwater, and left her for dead and then ALL pretended like they had no idea who the fuck she was? That

I have been avoiding my great grandson Brocklynn who would like to take me to this, the 118th and allegedly penultimate Avengers film. We have been seeing these films together since time immemorial, obviously since the time when nuclear family structures and live births were the norm, as opposed the the much improved

I know someone will probably confiscate my Jalop card for this but we’re getting a 2018 Odyssey soon and I’m actually excited about it. Mainly because I’m glad to be rid of the 2011 HHR it’s replacing.

Easily the most memorable playoff touchdown pass in Cleveland history.

How on Earth did she get invited to be the commencement speaker at a university, much less an HBCU campus? This is on that school’s administration.

This makes me all warm and tingly.

Isn’t that the whole point of democracy, if your boss is acting like a tool?