
@Dearthair MacKenzie, Hoser, Esq.: You are right to a certain point. If the algae-derived biodiesel can be produced in sufficient quantities, it will definitely impact the demand curve and drive crude prices down. Sufficient quantities being in the billions of gallons.

@deckard97: I get most of the information from the internet but I am in fuel additives and I work for a largish oil company.

Biodiesel from algae appears to have the most potential of any of the alternatives. The theoretical yields go as high as 5,000 gallons ber acre but Vertigro is claiming up to 100,000 per acre. Biodiesel from algae could replace all of our transportation fuels needs anr require only 5000 square miles of non-farm land.

I would live to have a TR8 with the aluminum V8 Rover bought from Buick.

The common theme here is that most, if not all, of these cars has a diesel engine. If we were offered European style diesels in the U.S. market now I think they would sell and huge fuel economy benefits could be ours.

Hey, someone here where I work in Houston uses a Citröen CX2500 Prestige as their daily driver.

If we take the biodiesel from algae concept seriously, we could replace out demand for crude oil to power our vehicles in less than 50 years. Theoretical estimates say we can produce up to 5,000 gallons of biodiesel per acre and one group claims 100,000 gallons per acre is possible. 5,000 square miles of land in the

I think that as to the question about the looks of the Fiero-based Quicksilvers I would have to choose the "or what" option.

Isn't a turbine a diesel rotary engine of sorts? Anyway, I would rather have the turbine 928 than either of these.

Hey, the Houston Art Car Parade is May 10 on Allen Parkway at 1:00 pm.

I can't believe all of the "Rockefellers" on this site paying thousands of dollars for their first car. The first 5 or so cars I drove were either $100 or free and worth every penny but not much more.

Why doesn't anyone ever callange the left wing psuedoscientists when they say that global warming caused by CO2 emissions is a proven fact. It is nothing more than a weak theory.

I had to go with the Pontiac because, hey, "ALL THE HARD WORK IS DONE".

The Art Car Parade on Allen Parkway in Houston. I was there.

I had to go with the Vette. These Craigslist posters are really helpful. The most important information is all in caps - "NEEDS TO BE RESTORED." which implies that there was a time when it wasn't a total abortion and "LOTS OF POTENTIAL" but it doesn't say potential for what.

As a penetrating oil, I would recommend Marvel Mystery Oil which might bring a new dimension into their relationship...

1974 Ford Econoline with a 3 speed manual transmission and a column shifter.

@graverobber: The Audi Super 90 was a fun car to drive. My buddy owned a couple of them and I "inherited" a 1970 from him. I regret that we didn't keep it.