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    "I was confused why they were still going to continue the show"

    Can you IMAGINE Mary-Shelley's reaction to the boy's club that is sci-fi

    gosh, babylon was even worse. possibly the worst episode of x-files ever. DON'T LET CHRIS CARTER WRITE EPISODES

    they can take over the ones that were going to be written by chris carter. surely anyone can write better.

    It makes way more sense for wonder woman to have an accent than to not have an accent.

    Yeah, but at least you can ride it more than once.

    That's all so true. the right wings in my country would be far-left in the U.S.

    Well, I guess I'm on Danny's side because that whole battle I was like "don't kill Drogon, don't kill Danny, don't kill the dothraki". It's weird because I never gave one ounce of care about the iron throne but now I just want her to get it, maybe to just turn to the more important battle that is the north.

    I don't think enough people watched the good place to win any awards. regardless, even though I only watched the first episode of This Is Us, it was clearly the phenomenon of the last season.

    yeah! big little lies! what an amazing, amazing show!!!

    me too. that was a weird relationship I had with that show. that and smallvile.

    Feud was amazing

    I liked Power Rangers. More than Homecoming

    So many terrible basic dramas get nominated (and sometimes win!) every year that I say go for it.

    yeah, homecoming was slightly dissapointing to me. very cute, but completely weightless.

    I watched Batman and Robin in the theater when I was 10. At the time I thought it was the best. movie. ever.

    I always kind of liked The Phantom tbh

    XXX, the vin diesel movie is up there. I like dumb action movies but that one was just TOO dumb.

    ant-man is super boring

    DC should just say screw it, stop this Shazam non-sense and have their Captain Marvel come out before Marvel's Captain Marvel.