
I’ve been saying Kamala Harris 2020 since before the 2016 election was even over. She’s awesome. I hope she’s president someday.

I hope she doesn’t catch shit that Barack did for the speaking fee. Both he and Michelle were subjected to the vilest abuse I’ve ever seen heaped on a Presidential family on a daily basis. They deserve every penny they get because they deserve it.

I see Beyoncé and Idris slander and I will NOT have it. We’re gone for one day and y’all are blaspheming all over the place.

Hot take: Loud dudes (they don’t even have to be drunk) are by far worse than babies on a plane.

This bitch has some fucking nerve.

I really wish people would stop treating racism and misogyny as “a different side of an issue” or as a “different point of view”. Not every topic has two valid sides. If you’re talking about child molestation, you don’t go out and find people who believe molesting children is totally ok and treat them the same way as

I’m pretty sure the common thread here is marijuana. The employees got freaked out by a customer and hid in the back: high. Dude goes to CVS in the middle of the night looking for cheese and spends 45 minutes wandering around the store: high.

Listen, I’m going to take this as a sign that a long-cursed entity can defeat a racist mascot — and that it can happen twice in one week. Go Hubbies!

The returner did Nazi her coming.

Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...

I haven’t seen a female knock the hell out of someone like that since... well since last night at the debate I guess

Title NEIN

The Right is dark and full or terrors....

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.


I wish I knew how to respond to the “corrupt Hillary” “untrustworthy” “warmongering" comments. I need an explainer with simple sound bites I can respond to when people on Facebook post that shit

You won’t be sorry. I promise. She is burdened with glorious purpose in the BEST WAY.

“Interesting to see that Bey is the one who got boldly political first when it posed a way greater threat to her station as a pop star... Black women: Afro-America’s first responders.


Cholula? How bougey.