
Last time I heard her she was the voice of Tinkerbell on some video my nieces were watching,

Good luck with that Gavin. Don't let the assholes grind you down.

Oh, my!!! Office space soon available in two of the tightest cities for that.

She wouldn't get it.

Not so much a party, but breakfast at Milliways. Again.

W. F. D.

NASA has announced that it will be sending probes to Uranus to analyze the gas.

Lassetter likes NASCAR and cars in general. He likes Aloha Shirts and Miyazaki, so he can't be all bad. These 5 movies are basically long commercials with enough jokes for the adults to not get too bored when they go to the theater.

Imma gonna put some Tina Guo on the iTunes.

That editing genius would have to be very cunning indeed.

The Rutles.

That's ok. She'll have a job with the Drumpfenfuher by Friday.

Best WB/DC movie since 1989s "Batman."

Pine's best work was The Princess Diaries 2 and Bottleshock.

I'm still learning Scots Gaelic from the Mrs and it's been 25 years.

Ok. The trailer is usually the best part. Next.

Alan Young passed away at 90 something. Disney hired another Scotsman to take over the role of Scrooge McDuck in the rebooted Duck Tales. Some guy named David Tennant. He's just what the Doctor ordered.

“The Jimmy Kimmel test should be that no family should be denied medical care, emergency or otherwise, because they can’t afford it.”

My concern is that it will give too many ideas to too many republicans in congress, state legislatures and the White House.

The British say it (Handmaid's Tale) is a ripping good yarn, Canadians, "Thank goodness it can't happen here, and USAians, "How long have we got." From the looks of trump and his cabinet, not long.