And nothing of value will be lost.
I only have 5 days off. I've binged BTAS and STAS earlier this year. The movies will be viewed where they fit in. JL/JLU are being watched. But I have some BBC/English TV to watch as well. And I am in the middle of reading "The Backwash of War", the basis of "The Crimson Field." Batman Beyond will have to wait…
List fails without Batman:The Animated Series.
No. We have been Shat on enough.
For $5.99 a month it would be nice if it were commercial free. Or at least minimally interrupted.
This is what you get when you are unwilling to pay the writers.
Do not want!!!
The 2012 Republican campaign platform.
It's all a bunch of timey-wimey wobbly-wobbly stuff. Come along Pond.
Harry Potter and the Big Bag of Cash.
Harry Potter. The whole way through, except it was my parents and grandparents instead of Voldemort. Thanks be to Goddess for Emancipation of Minors law in my state.
And without their gardeners, garbage collectors, cooks, plumbers, street sweepers, waste water treatment plant operators, and telephone sanitisers, they would soon be up to their eyeballs in rotting citrus and banana rinds and all dying from some virulent fatal infection because nobody knew how to develop a vaccine or…
Seems like she got over John Eric Hexum. She was great as Dizzy Morales in the animated "Roughnecks."
And a few of your buddies are on this side. The Bieb and the Shat for starters. Please claim them, pal. And Jim Carrey, too.
Oh, my. Poor Donbald.
Sorry. I thought we were being a bit serious about this. Oh, it's AV Club. Nevermind.
Right now I am flipping back and forth between Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, NOVA and the 49ers - Vikings on MNF. The shows here, except for one are all forgettable, and if you saw the 6 minute trailer for it, you saw the entire pilot episode. Maybe Scream Queens, I'll give it a watch, but I'm glad I have an…