
Only if Sasha Grey comes back as a regular. She was better than anyone else on screen when she was on. And Piven is gone because Mr Selfridge and all.

And I am Nikolai V, tsar of all the Russias.

It was another type of pilot error.

Han Sol narrating a doco about aviation? FARK YEAH!!!!


Why/how is that he is working in Hollywood? Who does he give bjs to?

Nope, nope, nope.

The one they showed had real actors and real voice actors doing it. No Leonardo.

It's sad that NBCUniversalComcast hired people to run SyFy that don't like sic-fi. It's as if they want to run it into the ground. Sigh, I miss Sunday Morning Anime. They showed old anime, but good anime, one time they even sneaked in Akira. Letterboxed. Dubbed, but letterboxed.

Can't put wrestling, Sharknado or Mansquito or any Dean Cain vehicle on all the time.

Not the crappy writing and filling 75% of the schedule with reality shows?

And that's why Disney killed off the EU.

I have not seen everything he has done, but I have liked everything I have seen.

Stupid iPad.

Well, "sweetie", I am not the person in the photo. A colleague won a bet and that's my avatar for a certain period of time. I went to the same medical school as Sir Arthur but graduated in 4 years rather than his 5, and lived and practiced in the UK and Europe for a bit more than a decade. The television murder

Foyle reminds me of a professor I had in med school.

Then put the mirror down.

Poehler/Fey 2016 Biatches get stuff done.

Christopher Foyle.

And all before lunch.