
To say nothing of Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

Freddie Highmore is playing Norman Bates? Well, better than Astro-Boy. I guess.

People who use emojis have more sex, says doctor or maybe psychopath

Jason Gray-Stanford (Disher) actually played a pretty good Holmes, but his best work was as Godai.

Close but no cigar.

Yes. Yes he did. For the corporate profit of an insurance company. And the CEO needs a new Jag for his mistress.

It's all about selling fear. Fear that if you don't buy the product your life will be shit because everyone else will have one and you will not. And warm fuzzy feelings about Labrador puppies and Clydesdales.

George Lucas, director of The Phantom Menace, says today's movies lack substance… Jar Jar Binks to step into another pile of substance

I already have two Siameseseses and I do please.

And nothing of value was/will be lost.

Ed Wood? That guitar playing Gypsy in Chocolat?

Justin Bieber. That's the joke.

Has Doctor Hibbert been accused by people of drugging and raping them and then paying them off not to talk about it and an eyewitness to the payoffs come forward as well? If not, the Doc Hibbert should stay.


What's sad is that s*it coms are so banal that these stand out as the best.

I have that set. Nope. Time to crawl through the local vinyl stores. I love road trips for music.

I have that set. It does not. I do have about 5 years worth of on air recordings from now defunct San Francisco based radio station, KJAZ, that played "Round Midnight" every weekday midnight for about 20 years. It took forever to find a cassette player that had MP3 output to get it on to iTunes and cd. And longer

My aunt's boyfriend, now my uncle, was an employee of the Brazilian Consulate and had more than a few albums by Tom Jobim, Joao Gilberto and others. What can I say, Bossa Nova got me. And then I discovered Be Bop, the Beatles and Glenn Miller. And others. Thank goddess for 1TB internal drives and 6TB backups. And

Getz/Gilberto, The Girl From Ipanema. I was 8 and hated the clarinet. I switched to tenor sax and eventually got an "A" on a geography test because I knew where Ipanema was. Later picked up the bassoon. Still have and play both horns. Anyone know where I can find Illinois Jacquet playing "Round Midnight"on

Sit-com is always spelled without the required "h" between the "s" and the "i". And in Tommy's case even more so.