
Ratings.  They are alive because of ratings and some suit is more concerned with ratings than telling a plausible story.

George H.W. Bush was all upset because he believed Saddam Hussein used human shields when everybody knew that was Dan Quayle's primary job.

Miley has had her friend Jessie Andrews in a few of her videos.  I am waiting for Jessie to invite Miley to be in some of hers.

"Ignoring what he learned in Reality Bites, Ben Stiller is making a Reality Bites sitcom" Because he is stupid.  He is not 1/2 the comedian his father is or 1/4 the comedian his mother is.

My father graduated from West Point in 1945 and was in flight training that summer. All personal feeling aside, one way of the other, if the war in the Pacific had gone on much longer, my father would have been flying B-29s over Japan and I for one am glad that he did not.  The stories about Korea were scary enough

There are reasons why these movies are underappreciated.  Being pieces of egotistic crap from the writers and/or director at the forefront.

OSC believes the Book of Moron is truth.  Mormon, I mean Book of Mormon.

OSC is full of derp.

Nothing to say except personal attack?  Are you a Scientologist as well?

Sarah Palin has no character to destroy.

I would like to see her host the Oscars.  With Amy, of course.  They pwned the Golden Globes and would make anyone else, except a resurrected Bob Hope, look third rate.  Except Franco, he will always be last rate in that department.

The fewer Scientologists on TV the better.  Oh, wait, this is a show that no one has heard of.  Nevermind.

List fails without "Jurassic Bark."

NO.  The kid in the photo is Donavan Freberg, son of Stan.  Do a Google or Wikipedia search.  You are hung up on Dell craputers.  Read the posts before you reply.

Donavan Freberg.

1980's Encyclopedia Britannica advert done by Stan Freberg.  That is his son, Donavan, in the photo.

He is Stan Freberg's son, Donavan.  He did all those encyclopedia commercials in the late 1980s.  I think he was arrested for pot, but I could be wrong on that.

So aside from Bugs Bunny just a pile of manure.  I'll stick with my collection of Private Snafu and other gems from 1940 - 1946.

Thanks.  I'll keep my eyes open to avoid it.

I think the word the headline writer is looking for is nadir rather than apex.