
How about the first shot is of a topless woman picking up a Rubik's Cube and saying "what a dumb fucking premise for a movie" then have two hours of ninja cheerleaders fighting sexbot aliens.

Thank you Miller, I like where you're calling from

Ignoring thread topic:

Oh, I qualify!!!

Fuck Mike Piazza

You mean Willard Scott

Merk, I hope you're not saying that's a bad thing.

The combination of weed paranoia/forgetfulness and proximity mines made for hours of sneaking about hoping not to blow myself up.

Clark was in full Eddie Grizwald mode after the win. It was fantastic.

I was just going to look for clips. How was Wilson, did he tone down for Leno? I think he'd be a better match on Conan.

If you want a reminder of how many fantastically stupid people there are, just browse through Yahoo Answers.

I thought Sean Young squashed the beef

The best part about the rowboat cop is that it's a throw away line in this show, but would have been the funniest thing in a season for most shows.

Abed does seem to be somewhere on the autistic spectrum. I've had students that would, just as matter of factly, talk to me about the fact that they are annoying to other students or fat or smelly, but not have it be a self esteem issue.

Fuck Integrity
Every other website uses this kind of news to post provocative pictures. Stop being above that.

I can't believe we've gone this far with out devolving into Arrested Development lines. Alessandra Torresani was the original Anne/Egg.

count down for news of Lil' Wayne returning to prison

Midget revenge
Hop Frog has always been one of my favorite stories. For some reason I think I visualize it a lot better than much of his other work.

No mention of John Denver and the Muppets Christmas album? the 12 days of Christmas from that is my definitive version.

Bridge School Benefit
Saw him at the bridge school benefit, thought he did a good job. hope this works out.