
If this is as correct as the typical Deadspin/Concourse predictions about Trump, then we can look forward to congratulating Justice Gorsuch in short order. Thanks!

What SJW and Progressive Liberal Leftists don’t realize is that they sound just as stupid as PETA 99% of the time to everyone but themselves.

This is radicalism in a teacup.

Good. I hope every day Trump does something that causes the out-of-touch radical Progressive Liberal Left propoganda to throw ever more amusing freakouts. It both serves as a source of amusement, and serves to further alienate Progressives to the fringes of society where they belong. Keep it up!

Yawn. Progressives couldn’t have cared less about the abuses of law that took place under Obama, or the slavish media adoration he got (far more dangerous than anything Trump could do). When Obama got inaugurated, Marvel slobbered all over him with a one-off Spider-Man comic that was basically the Marvel editors just

Haw - this doesn’t come off as classless and petty at all. Keep it up, SJWs. Every stupid exaggeration that makes just a few Progressive twits feel better about themselves just means a bigger GOP in 2018, and 4 more years of Trump in 2020. By all means, keep enclowning yourselves. :) It’s funny to watch. You’re

Sounds pretty applicable. Obama did it all the time, and so do Progressives, Liberal blogs, 3rd wave feminists, etc...

Clearly the result of man-made global climate change. We obviously need multi-trillion dollar tax and spend programs to address this issue before it is “too late”. :P

Not seeing how he’s much different than Obama who would frequently whine about the GOP, or whatever else he wanted. He’s the one that says police act ‘stupidly’ before he’s got the facts. He tells people to bring guns to fights. He says his son would look like a crime victim. And on and on and one.


It’s hard to say just how richly satisfying it is to see the chicken-little blubbering of brain-dead Progressives. I hope every day for the next 4 years that Trump does/says something that triggers more and more amusing hyperbole from you guys. Please, keep it up. Your crazy, pithless, hive-mind groupthink

Proof that robots will not remove stupidness in communication.

I knew there would be a rematch the second that Maul had his vision and flew away saying, “He’s still alive...” to himself.

I’d be totally on board for a series set in Deep Space Nine and that had lots and lots of Garak in it...

For those who don’t know...

Title should be, “Gravy-Train Grant Freeloaders Terrified Trump Will Demand Actual Work”.

Is there a “Really Could not Possibly Care Less” category? I’m not so insecure in my beliefs or my sexuality where I need to be validated by some video game character.

As bad as the Mainstream media and political punditry were at predicting the election?

As bad as Obama’s prediciton that Obamacare would save families $2,500 a year on insurance and let them keep their plans?

Then why does the women’s rights movement frequently demand that women be treated as equals to men in sports, jobs that require physical strength, military combat, and various other areas where they are definitely NOT equal to men?

Women - please stop Article-Whining. I can’t count the number of stupid articles women have written about idiotic, made-up, petty grievences. They are nothing more than personal pet-peeves about unimportant bullcrap that they try to turn into some sort of gender or sexism issue because they think that justifies

“Early on, the game’s rules penalized players’ strength score if they chose to be female.”

“Just when it was looking like at least some crowdfunding could be trust, Pebble has proven that you jut can’t.”