
The thing that drives me insane about the K clan is this. Kim looks fucking ridiculous. You do you but, the thing is this. There are young women out there comparing themselves to all of them. You will NEVER have a body like Kim’s, she didn’t even have a body like hers. Waist training, plastic surgery, fillers etc etc

I imagine these 2 walking and sounding like someone rubbing two huge rubber balloons together.

I’m legit shocked, in the best way possible, that they went for a Bachelorette in her late thirties. Even if it is still this franchise, it is actually a really interesting new dynamic as I can’t see her going with the traditional dynamic.

Ever since PE inception, Chuck has put Flav in check and on the road to redemption too many times to count. I know deep down Chuck cares about Flav, but this may be the last straw.

These are people not known for making good decisions.

Some Twitter users took the time to speak on their own experiences in the music industry, while others pointed out the suspicious trend of young black women specifically being exploited.

> from the surprisingly small Mona Lisa

Warren is smart and she’s a detail policy wonk just like Hillary is. Warren’s biggest weakness is that she is a piss-poor strategist. Her campaign has been one bad strategic decision after another, starting with the DNA test. Letting Trump goad her into that DNA test will go down as one of the stupidest moves in

Not even mad. If someone is dumb enough to fall for this they deserve everything they get.

Look, I’d rather walk than drive a Nissan, but you can get a Leaf for like $12 and a ham sandwich at this point. 

I mean, he was a brilliant general who should be studied for his strategic and operational knowledge. He also fought for the losing side of the war, and the losing side of history, we don’t need to lionize his severe personal failures.

The howling of the racists from seeing Bragg renamed Sherman would be worth the price of admission alone. As for renaming a fort for a black soldier-

So you’re saying I can exchange my money for both goods AND services?

This would honestly be more like if the British army started rocking the Starry Plough or something. 

I’m just letting you know I remember our tête-à-tête, and am saying howdy ;)


I’ve read what you just typed 3 or 4 times and have little idea what you’re trying to say but I’m quite certain the cognitive emesis you’ve just displayed is why the person you responded to concluded his/her statement with:

it’s been corrected, and i guess you’re my new boss now, bud 

Everyone else can weigh in on the substance, but I’d just like to state that I hate his affected “Britishisms”. Dude, you were BORN IN KENTUCKY.