I wish that my cellphone company gave me free stuff. All I get is great service, low prices, HSPA+ speeds and android phones i can hold any way I want to call someone(either hand as well). Oh, they can also run flash too. Stupid T-Mobile.
I wish that my cellphone company gave me free stuff. All I get is great service, low prices, HSPA+ speeds and android phones i can hold any way I want to call someone(either hand as well). Oh, they can also run flash too. Stupid T-Mobile.
@kingbob337: Everyone in Minnesota remembers yet he is still loved here.
@PoG: And the river started on fire more than once.
@PallidaMors: I hope not.
Why didn't he just take the battery out?
@angstman: My wife watches all the " The real wives of " (insert city here) and that Kardashian crap and I have never missed a Vikings game since 1974 and I have seen every episode of the Stargate franchise (all three of them). My wife actually sat down one saturday and watched the original Stargate movie with Kurt…
@PR-0927: I don't think he'll ever get the point ;)
@ImNotAllHere: Did you really just type "Laura Croft"? I guess your avatar says it all.
That's not a firmware upgrade, THIS is a firmware upgrade.
Who knew there actually was an espresso machine hacking community?
@tyrizzle: I thought the same thing as well. Like Jason Jaghori said, it looks like the lining of a freight elevator or those temporary liners in a regular elevator they put there so you can move your stuff in/out.
@Nitemancometh: Sorry, the audio sucks:
@sandeepdeepak: I forgot about the disclaimer at the beginning. Maybe you are right.
Why don't they just do a massive recall? Is it because they would have to admit they made a mistake?
@sroach1976: Me too.
@Future Retro: Bono is a six foot tall piece of shit. Tom cruise is a fudge packer and won't come out of the closet. Brittany spears can't sing. If it weren't a parody, South Park wouldv'e been sued by now. Alyssan is right.
Eulatos, is that you?
@tdawgui: Too soon?