
Now just make an ambiance only strip and a 100w equivalent ambience bulb already!

One step closer to this then.

Sensum Communem (Common Sense): A rare beast at the best of times, this creature has been on a rapid decline over the last decade. Despite searching, scientists have found no sign of it since 2016. As such, the IUCN declared it extinct in 2018. 

Let’s Remember Some Species

Oil isn’t going away tomorrow. Or next year, or 5, or a decade from now. It will take beyond our lifetime to rid ourselves of fossil fuels. Energy is massive part of the Canadian economy, and while we invest towards a greener future, we need to keep the economy moving so that, ya know, we HAVE MONEY TO FUCKING INVEST.

they failed. they did not land on the moon.   :(

“The low-cost probe is not expected to last beyond a day or two”

Can you blame them? Media hops on any crash involving one. If media did that for EVERY crash that a standard car has, people wouldn’t even get on the road.

That’s the big thing. Self-driving cars don’t have to be perfect, they just have to be better than humans.

Which is actually a pretty low bar.

You never fly then? Because most people on an airplane are locked in a metal death mox without a steering wheel or their direct control. They have given up their freedom to travel in exchange for convenience and speed.

Someone forgot to tell the Christians


The VAST majority of Americans (far more than 71%) have never seen, let alone ridden in, anything that could be considered even remotely autonomous. All most people hear about is when some idiot crashes his Tesla because he was supposed to still be paying attention or when some autonomous car kills someone on its own

“71% of Americans don’t trust something that doesn’t exist and they’ve never seen.”

I look forward to not being able to buy one because of mining.

It looks like it requires both the firmware and app updates. One of my Homes is on 114510, the other on 111204. Only the one on 114510 shows the Pair Bluetooth Speaker option.

Does this mean that all the pain-in-the-ass, autoplaying “recent videos” that pop up all over the UniGawkerverse will go away?

This is all fake news right? He’s only saying those things because he’s disgruntled and hates Trump right? I mean if we let corporations go without any oversight their default is to make sure to always take care of the customer first right? Riiiiiiiightt.....