
Measuring your opinion against the majorities is a pointless waste of time.

Hmmm... if you think the majority holds an opinion that is wrong. Do you ever stop and contemplate your own opinion? Or do you just double down and insist that they are stupid and wrong?

Lots of people are allergic to dogs, etc. Lots of people just don’t like dogs. The rules are the rules when it comes to flights, and there’s an expectation that there won’t be a bunch of pets on the plane when you get on. How are the “rights” of pet owners diminished by having to play by the rules or leave fluffy with

You don’t have to hate the POTUS to make fun of this shitshow of an “award ceremony.”

The majority of Americans don’t like Trump (which is why he lost the popular vote). They can’t all possibly be libtard SJW’s.

you sound triggered by the president’s shitty listicle. do you need a kleenex?

Holy shit. I have a small show that I just started (A movie review show about the Video Nasties. Please come throw me a sub so I can get over this fucking 1K number) and I only do it as a hobby. I have no notions of getting big or even turning the ads on - it’s out of love for movies that I do this, not to get

Yeah it makes sense that it is doing so well when the Chinese government can just shut down or block any foreign competition in their primary market. I wonder what would happen if the US blocked products they invest in or own in the US.

I honestly had no idea that this was a thing. Since being married, my video game hours have decreased dramatically. There is no way in any sort of reasonable time, I will be able to put in 40 hours of a game to unlock a character. That is bullshit. I just cancelled my pre-order. Yes I know I shouldn’t pre-order

BF3 for me—maybe I’m too old-school but I was totally annoyed how they eventually fragmented the playerbase with their DLC. I think the expectation of spending $30 every three months for new maps is ridiculous, I just refuse to do it. Actually, I did buy B4F but didn’t like it and barely played. This is part of the

Vote with your wallet. I haven’t played an EA game since Battlefield 2. There are a lot of great games out there.

I have had on more than one occasion people come to a full stop halfway through an intersection, while the light was still yellow.
Red light cameras cause panic braking when you could normally continue on through just fine.