Nothing happening in this country surprises me. They should have been treated as a global security threat long ago for all their shortcomings.
Nothing happening in this country surprises me. They should have been treated as a global security threat long ago for all their shortcomings.
Can’t believe these other countries are 50 years behind, using cheap and easy technology that wasn’t even a dream back in 69 and they STILL can’t get it right. 1 it shows how hard it was back then, and 2 like get it together lmao.
It’s Pathetic
I just checked and this holds true, mine is on the old one and it is not working. I contacted Google and the newest firmware needs to be on to activate this feature. It will roll out over the next 1-3 days. I guess I wait.
Lots of people just don’t like dogs. < This. Animals have a place. And it isn’t everywhere. Basically, inside public structures or vehicles. In your own home, great. That’s nice. But not inside public enclosures. Simple.
Top notch editing.
Well most of the these wacks that don’t want immunizations are fundy religious groups anyhow so it speaks volumes as to what their agenda really is. I know a few of them and their exacts words were pretty parallel, I kid you not, “I would rather have a dead child than a retard one”.
You clearly don’t understand how the ‘scientific’ community works or science for that matter.
Says the person who probably isn’t even middle management with a team of 50 under them...
Are you kidding me right now? Please say you still use Netscape...
Better throw in towel then. Give up. Don’t even try. Just quit. Call er a day. Tesla sucks. They are all running on a magic pot of gold and haven’t done anything of worth yet.
Too bad that thought isn’t unilateral. We get rid of our military...great. Then Russia doesn’t, or Saudi Forces keep growing as they are, then they just walk over us and impose their country and system on us in a week. Done. Would you like that?
I don’t think I’ve ever touched my vents.
You can’t just view the passwords by being logged into the persons computer and popping into Chrome’s password manager, you need the computers id and password as well to even show them. So you’d need the computers user specific logon, username and password to get on the computer and then you have to enter that same…
You’re fucked.
Typical, not in canada.
I would bet the other way on that one. The VAST majority should not be behind the wheel. Most, don’t want to be but have to be, you know, for food and money and jerbs.
People still use Gmail over Inbox? LOL It basically does all this.
No one cares. hulu sucks. Stop writing about it and it’ll just die.