Theophilus P. Wildebeest

Weiner dogs bite much more than Pits do.

Back in the day, that's how the straw came bundled with the can.

For completeness, the title should contain the OS (OSX, Win. Win Mo, Linux, iOS, Android, BB OS, whatever) that the subject applies to.

And in the USofA, where most of the open container laws exist, 99% of bottle caps are twist off including soft drinks.

Yep, a hack that's rendered impotent in states with open container laws that prohibit such in the entire passenger cabin.

You're comparing OSes with two different purposes and freedoms.. Windows 7 is closed source desk/lap top OS where all an OEM can do is install bloatware and Stardock's Windowblinds to alter the appearance of the OS, whereas Android is an open source mobile device OS where the OEM has the ability to add it's own

I've seen the topside of RAF jets in flight whilst hiking the mountains (tall hills compared to most mountains) in England's Lake District.

Now, if only I could get the sidebar back, I'll stop amending iTunes 12 with (Windows 8 edition)

With Google now going to 6 inches with their Nexus link, MCS really needs to find the resources to start to support large screen devices.

Good justification for enabling the keyboard shortcut, a quick way to turn Dark Mode off when you stumble across an app yet to be updated for it. Which is a likely reason for the hotkey's existence.

And by your reasoning, so is every washing machine's spin cycle.

If you are going to go by the virtualization route, use VMWare player instead, VirtualBox on my system run 9 incredibly poorly, beyond unusable. VMWare, on the other hand, 9's installation performance is indistinguishable from native.

It is old, "A good General will never send his troops to do something he won't or cannot do.", but sadly, it's gotten so old it's being regularly forgotten about.

There's no point in having a poll for the best mattress as each person has different needs for sleep, ranging from very soft to very firm, whatever gives you the most restful sleep is also able to keep someone else awake all night.

500ml, a little less than a pint outside NA.

With coupon, which Ford 'conveniently' send me around oil change time, the dealer is cheaper or equal to whatever the local oil change shops charge, with Jiffy Lube being the dearest of them all, $50+ for what I can get from the dealer for $30.

Yeah, I went by color alone, not looking at the pictures underneath, and Patrick already called me out on it. ;)

The shade of blue that is used for China looks like the same one color used for the UK, and the strip of Central Africa.

If you stick a drinking straw in that whole, it will hold the valve open and let the air out just as easily. Add a little weight to help force the air out and those toys will be ready to store in no time. This can be particularly helpful when you have a ton of them deflate at the end of a beach day, or if it starts to

Which was mentioned in the final paragraph. ;)