Jemiah Jefferson

Han Solo's Revenge, thanks. It's got the hot dark-skinned lady that, in my mind movie, is portrayed by Rosario Dawson.

I'm laughing like Pinhead, enjoying your pathetic sufferings as everything you once loved and valued is besmirched, fouled, and defiled, but still doesn't die! Mwhahahahahaha!

I'm sorry, but Robert Duvall on acid makes this a must-see for me.

Give 'em the oranges!

Did you know the gun is good, and the penis is bad?

Did you know the gun is good, and the penis is bad?

Grounds for a divorce.

Grounds for a divorce.

"an enormous schwanschtucker"

"an enormous schwanschtucker"

I don't know why Refn didn't think of doing a movie with Baby Goose and Christina Hendricks in fetish gear already. How could he miss that opportunity?

I don't know why Refn didn't think of doing a movie with Baby Goose and Christina Hendricks in fetish gear already. How could he miss that opportunity?

I like Self.

I like Self.

He's the best.

He's the best.

I've had the complete series DVD on my shelf for over 2 years without watching it.

I've had the complete series DVD on my shelf for over 2 years without watching it.

I think he still is a genius and could be even better in the future, if he just sits down and concentrates a bit. He revolutionized the way I understood storytelling - I mean, nobody could really live up to that for long. Not his fault - the fault of time and cynicism taking their toll on me - but saddening

I think he still is a genius and could be even better in the future, if he just sits down and concentrates a bit. He revolutionized the way I understood storytelling - I mean, nobody could really live up to that for long. Not his fault - the fault of time and cynicism taking their toll on me - but saddening