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I think there’s a difference between “you’re naked, therefore you like sex and are a slut” and “there is no reason to show us your naked body under the flimsy pretext of not knowing what to wear as anyone who cares to see you naked has already done so”.


Sometimes I feel like Anna’s beat for The Slot merits a GoFundMe for a spa day.

As someone with depression who has attempted suicide more than once...Bernie’s crack on mental illness really turned me off. Been a fan of his for years but...ooof. Really went for the cheap laugh on that one.

I want to know more about Bernie Sander's plan to stop all over even his democratic co-workers on issues like fracking, but still get them to support his iniatives.

It’s not a big deal. A black bar in a photo just means you have 72 hours to find and kill all of your blood relatives or Lizzie rises from the grave to drag you, screaming, into Hell.

Didn’t Cate Blanchett just win an Oscar for acting in an Allen film?

Yeah that made me go from thinking “Sarandon is such an awesome role model” to “WTF She’s a fucking BERNIEBRO!! Gross.”

If anything I view the girl as being kind of condescending. She asks Clinton directly who she met in the Somali community (and gives off the impression that she doesn’t believe that Clinton will know any names). Clinton gives an example of just one of the people she has met, who she believes the girl will know. Then

Because there is a 90+% approval rating for Obama in the black community and Clinton is similar or slightly to the left of him. Whereas Bernie Sanders attacks can seem like a rebuke of him even if Obama isn’t directly addressed.

Nah. He doesn’t even have to stop... Right in the middle I remember that I have paint swatches for the update to the guest room and I let those thoughts trickle in for a minute and BOOM he gets the head tap to c’mon up. That’s the half an encounter experience.

The answer is not to address him. Pretend he isn’t there and address the audience and the moderators directly. Don’t argue with him directly, simply answer the questions you’re asked and explain your policies to the people. Arguing with an idiot only brings you to their level. She’ll have to talk over him; not in

No question in the history of my life has made me happier to be Canadian.

Oh Julianne, to have the disposable income to get a pedicure when your feet still look lovely and not have to wait until your toenails have fallen into a state of disrepair.

Hillary did not personally save that little girl! Or maybe she did, we don’t know, but maybe she didn’t and that’s what’s important.


I’m fine with it. It happened at an event. The current political climate affects children, too. We need a reminder of that.

If we’re going to complain about using kids, then we should tell families to keep their kids home. Families use their children, too, to get the politicians’ attention. I’m 90% sure her parents

Think you could have reached out to the campaign and asked if they specifically did anything to help that family, as she has been meeting people on the trail and trying to match them up with services they need.