
Nope. This is the second coming of the Romney primary of 2012, a complete party wide bloodletting. I don’t care if Sander’s releases speeches or anything. I do care that the Republicans are going to get their hands on something that surely will be twisted and used against anyone with a D behind their name in November,

zero people will be surprised by what she said - something like “you guys are doing great work!”....but we will have all sorts of people on TV being outraged...that’s for sure.

Yes, the double standard is, once again, ridiculous.

“Let everybody who’s ever given a speech to any private group under any circumstances release them—we’ll all release them at the same time,” Clinton said on This Week on Sunday, thus firmly ruling out the possibility of doing so. “These rules need to apply to everyone.”

Great. Now in addition to having my feminism questioned and being called a Bernie Bro, I am going to be lumped in with people who are fighting against Clinton for all the wrong reasons.

The thing I think people don’t get from people like Steinam or Albright is, they watched HRC bashed with the same cudgel Hillary’s opponents on the left are using for a decade and a half by misogynists from the RNC.

If there were a hell, there should be a special place for reporters who push this nonsense.

Madeline Albright is 78 years old. She was born in fucking 1938 in fucking Czechoslovakia until FUCKING HITLER forced her family into exile in England during the Holocaust (in which THREE of her Grandparents died). She lived through the blitz in London, hiding under a metal fucking table during Nazi bombings.

Yes, exactly! I’ve been having this discussion on groupthink, but I just feel like there’s SO MUCH sexism and racism that I didn’t know about or recognize when I was younger. I felt like in my 20s, I thought that for the large part, woman had won equality, and that we lived in a “post-racial” world. Now in my 30s, I’m

I honestly am not all that bothered by this. You have a moment in time where women of a certain age can actually see the first woman POTUS and they are fired up about it. I liken it to the way that black people were ramped up over Barack Obama. I had older family members who were pretty militant about all of us in the

I know. I wish they weren’t so tone deaf, but god I get it. I am 34 and I see so much systematic sexism and racism at work that is so subtle and insidious it took me a good 6 years to fully understand it. I am so fucking furious, and I see it through the eyes of my colleagues that are 10-20 years older than me, and

No they don’t. But he’s totally within his rights to speak on this. And what he’s saying is 100% true. He’s being supportive and coming from a place of marginalization himself as a black person in our society. The idea that he should just keep quiet on this strikes me as really counter-productive. A black actor can

Oh for god’s sake, go ahead and support Bernie or whomever you want to, that’s your right, but lay off the Hillary is a racist who only supports white women mantra or only white women support Hillary nonsense. I’m not white and I’m supporting Hillary because I think she can win and I’m not buying the Bernie

It makes as much sense as “I have been in the Senate for 20 years, I have the respect of my Senate peers, so much so that I headed two subcommittees. I an not a part of the establishment."

I’m just going to start referring to movies with only white people in them as “white movies”.

As near as I can tell, it’s mostly because he hasn’t made a popular movie in awhile and he’s an overweight, middle-aged pop culture geek, so he clearly needs to cut his hair and get a real job (‘cause none of the, like, 5 or 6 projects his attached to this year count, I guess).

Exactly. If you took every element of Bernie and put it into a female and ran them for office, there would be wailing from sea to shining sea.

Actually, people too young to remember Obama’s 2008 campaign are the only voters I can understand feeling the Bern. I’m 39. I was so madly all about Obama, and I have no regrets - I still love him, but I realize that his presidency isn’t so much different than Hillary’s would have been. At least not in any way I could

This is where it is significant that while he is a committed liberal, he is not a committed Democrat. Hilary stumped like crazy in ‘08, and sure some of it was calculated and for her own future, but it was also because she’s a true party loyalist and that is what you are supposed to do. The party comes first, because