
Okay, I’m fucking sick of this. The “Democratic Party establishment” is not a thing to be reflexively opposed. The Democratic Party establishment elected Barack Obama. It got Sotamayor and Kagan (KAGAN!) appointed. It promotes marriage equality, abortion rights, racial equality, feminism, and a social safety net.

Am I alone in my mixed feelings about Miley? Like, “what a beautiful woman, put that tongue back in your mouth, love her voice and her heartfelt songwriting, what the hell is she wearing?!, we get it-you dig the herb, you really, really do..., girl you keep doing you! (but do you have to do it on an an inflatable

If they go for another male actor (crushing my dreams of seeing Tamsin Grieg play the Doctor as an ennui-riddled ex-punk rocker rediscovering that fire of youth through her Companion), my vote for the next Doctor is Richard Aoyade. Smart, funny, adorably dorky, cute as hell, and as a talented writer and film maker he

“Let’s not continue the sad but common practice of building people — especially women — up just to viciously tear them down when we perceive them to have misstepped,”

How DARE Hathaway try and be supportive of a fellow actress under fire for some bullshit? I mean, it’s like she has empathy for her or something!

Anne Hathaway maybe knows something about being built up, put on a pedestal and then torn down for basically no reason. So good for her for saying something.

Honestly this is why I didn’t watch The Revenant with Mr. Calrissian. I was turned off because it’s a story about legendary levels of macho tough manliness and manly values. The trailer was enough. The cinematography looked beautiful but I didn’t want to sit through hours of guys out machoing each other without taking

I’m a Clinton supporter as well, but I think it does a disservice to her as a candidate to say in public forums that you’re voting for her because she’s a woman (even if it’s true). You’re just opening yourself and her up to attacks that (a) you’re not voting for her for the right reasons and (b) she’s not a worthy

Please let this be the beginning of a weeks worth of stories about beautiful English icons not dying from cancer.

If there is a woman alive who has not had this experience, I’d like to meet her, because she is a rare, rare creature. I’m so grateful to you for sharing your story and elaborating on the complexity of consent. So many people want to make it a black-and-white, yes-or-no issue, and the more people who stand up and say

I don’t understand how BS has fooled so many people after we’ve seen the 7 years of President Obama’s battle with congress. It is literal foolishness and folly to believe that we will get single-payer healthcare within the next two years AT LEAST, especially with an anti-Wall Street candidate in a climate that fosters

I have loved Kristen Bell without reservation since the Sloth Meltdown.

I feel like this is what Bowie meant to so many of us, exactly this friendship you describe. Thank you.

Yeah, I’m going totally hijack this for David Bowie.

So basically, the plot will be:
Him and Seth Rogan stumble upon a bunch of weed and try to hide it at the Tori Spelling “mom character’s” house, while practicing their one act play about what if Camus and Jack Nicholson met in real life and tried to be diplomats?

I’ll be honest. I do not like Leonardo DiCaprio.

“Old white feminists” would be a valid criticism if there was a young woman of color running, but since the alternative is an old white man, I’m not sure what the point of your phrasing is.

Yes, I know. You’re voting for Bernie. Clinton is the establishment candidate. She takes money from corporations. He’s a man of the people. #feelthebern #notvotingforhillary #goingtostatetheaboveeverytimehernameisevermentionedanywhere

I assumed it’s supposed to be “talk” instead of “walk” to the daughters.