
I kind of get the feeling that the project needs an overall director or something. We've got translation out of context, edited translation that works out the bugs, but I think there should be someone who is a non-translator overseeing the project so that it's cleaner, keeps consistency of characters, world, etc.

I hope Nintendo have everything-but-the-panel when they're exhibiting at http://www.playexpo.net on the same weekend!

I started Suikoden 2 about the beginning of this year, it's still on my "need to finish" list of guilt and shame. I keep getting distracted by other games. It's not that it's an RPG - I've completed Devil Survivor Overclocked and nearly finished Project X Zone in the meantime. It's just... random battles without any

Ah, before Nintendo came along with their gamepads, we had so many wonderful and interesting controllers! The classic Atari 2600 controller - stick plus button. Unlike any of today's home arcade sticks, it was stick in right hand, button on left. To people of that generation, modern arcade sticks seem a bit weird.

It looks like the controls must be annoying; you appear to rotate erratically just before you thrust anywhere.

I was looking for spaceships that look a lot like steam engines too. Captain Harlock's Arcadia is on there, maybe he's passed by some of them...

I think you want to go on one of these instead; the bonus features are 1) you are in a group and 2) you can die!

There was no spelling error in there; Luke's English, and as such, the suffix "-ised" is perfectly good spelling.

I don't think I've ever seen an action figure look more like an actual person ever. I mean, this is better than any statue, waxwork, anything.

Very cool. What's the maximum sized screen it can hold?

Can you play downloaded PSP games on it?

Just when I got used to people saying AC and not meaning Armored Core / Ace Combat but Assassin's Creed instead, they started calling Animal Crossing AC too... I'm completely lost!

The only Record Of Lodoss War game I played was on Dreamcast. A Diablo-type RPG. I don't recall it being that raunchy! XD

I watched Watership Down when I was... probably under 5 years old. I have grown up a very timid person, scared of fierce rabbits and dogs, and the floppy shadow cat monsters in Chrono Cross because they remind me of the black bunny of death.

Ah, these people and their work is stuff of legend, truly magical stuff. They get into a game and root out the core joy, and treat that as the main thing to port that over into English. The original words themselves... not so important. They have given me smiles, joy, laughter, hours of fun. I especially like the

Is it quiet? Needs to run fairly quietly to be a good living room PC.

"If you haven't head" <- heard? #corrections

This is the kind of thing the gaming industry needs. The ability to have a digitally downloaded game and use it like they would a retail copy; letting friends and family borrow, meaning they'll communicate in-person more about the same experiences, so word-of-mouth will actually be just that, instead of reviews in

That's exactly what I thought when I saw it. Though I was thinking of the Metal Slime version in silver. :)

Ugh. I'm having that feeling.. the one where I don't want a Vita, but I am starting to think of getting one just so I get the old model, because the new one looks like a downgrade.