
That's like… your opinion. And since you got the adolesent and ridiculous idea that your opinions have something to do with objective truths, there really is not much sense talking to you, is there?

Music taste isn't a truth it's an opinion.

Yes. But there are enough reviews out there that can explain it a lot more eloquently than i could why. But It's totes ok if you don't like his records. I cant listen to the beatles, yet on any "objective" measure i know i'm wrong. But bitch, i'm red 2 go.

Is that what cool kids do nowadays? Not liking an almost forgotten 25 year old band? Kids these days!

Nice try, you almost made me care about pearl jam

Well, to be fair your name alludes to you being a female, so… yeah, i can't even mock find a reason to do that crap.

Sausage Pete's Party Dragon

A wannabe cynic for every review

No, would it be reversed nobody would give a shit, just as nobody gives a shit when one of the others is killing. Only when it's a douche/nice guy like that people start arguing about how unfair his death is, almost as if their lifes depended on it.

Well, with boris johnson as foteign minister of the uk, and trump as possible president of the usa, we're getting there in terms of diplomacy

Well, you are the only captain who passed the Kobayashi Maru without cheating.

Don't know who is "best", but Picard is my captain.