
As soon as I heard people hoping they’ll find planets made up of random things like meat or crystals, I knew this game would be... divisive, to say the least.

I’ve seen much of the leaked gameplay. Can’t fade, it’s quite boring to me.

Don’t worry, the description that the leaks gave the Fire starter indicates that it’ll likely be a Dark-type, as the pokemon fights/acts dirty. Hence the pokemon hitting Pikachu with a table...


The sword pokemon is awesome, the hell are you talking about?

Damn lol

Yea, bunch of nice exclusives await me this year and the next, so I’m good. I also got the Uncharted collection, so I’ll play those too eventually. I guess it was better than going for the Destiny one, as I had no intention of playing that.

That game really was a masterpiece in its own right. Written very well, and you really do come out caring for its protagonists.

Fallout 4 for free bundle made me finally get a PS4. While I’m glad I finally got one, I’m now aware that the game was a lame reason to do so.

The game worked magnificently on the PS4, so don’t worry, you’ll love it.

They’re not really comparable tbh

He got $40 million though. The tea is unfortunately very bittersweet.

I don’t see what’s wrong with the concept of your wife being willing to defend you, to want to clear your name. I don’t think any man should be so proud that they would be embarrassed or feel emasculated from their wife supporting them.

You know what else is blind? Justice!

For me, it has nothing to do with who’s in the right, or discussing Kim and Kanye (mostly Kim’s) personas. A tuna sandwich could’ve been the one to finally out Taylor Swift, and I would’ve still been just as giddy. There’s a distinction between the fakeness that Kim and Taylor both operate behind.

Agree with all of this. The art of multitasking is conveniently lost on people when you happen to be doing something that they don’t approve of.

It’s not even about the feud really for a lot of people. I think it’s more the fact that we confirmed Taylor’s a liar that gets people giddy. I for one would’ve been gladly sipping my tea regardless of who outed her.

Should I wait for Amazon to update its date of delivery? Or should I just pre-order it now?

Right? This whole thing started because Kim was just tired of Kanye being vilified, and finally decided to set the record straight. A wife defending her husband from a liar, nothing more. Now all her friends suddenly want them to just magically let it go, claim that there are suddenly bigger things to worry about, and

Her whole thing is maintaining the image of being America’s sweetheart, where she’s been perpetually the victim, but never the agitator. For people to finally have solid proof that that is not the case, is something she’d never want to get out.