
There wasn't a lot of Littlefinger, therefore Littlefinger's story is over forever. Makes sense.

The point is; Donna knows she's damaged goods, but she loves Quentin because in her mind, he isn't, and wants him to stay that way. Look past the Smoak hating.

Ok, so your main complaint is that something that happened at the very end of an episode wasn't fleshed out enough. Your argument would have been valid if there was another hour after the event. Let's say the bombing happened in the first 5 minutes, and they spent the rest of the show dealing with it. Would that have

God I hope Savage is gone next season, but I have a sinking feeling he becomes an anti-hero and helps repel the Thanagar because "Savage is the only one who can save us from them, the Timemasters were right".

Cap 'n Crunch would have made a more intimidating villain.

This is a great analogy of Bellamy, and why Clarke trusts him.

Not alone, brother. I'm the 2nd person in the world with this view. Too many people are blinded by Pike and Bellamy doing bad things to people they like, and not trying to see WHY they did them.

I hope he lives a long happy life. Pike is the innocent here. He's a sweet, charming, introverted, and genuinely likable person.

Season one Murphy was so horrible. Like almost made me stop watching horrible. But what a swing he's had since, probably my favorite character now. Kudos, 100.

No no no. Anything Lexa does, no matter how selfish, xenophobic, or stupid, is perfectly acceptable. But if you're a character who's name sounds like Bike, or Kellamey you're a dumb monster.

Well said. So much better than "Pike is a meanie evil-head! He killed people we liked."

How many people on the 100 have been shot, stabbed, or taken a giant spear to the chest and lived? Hell, there was a stabbing this episode by a screwdriver where the stabee brushed it off like a misquito bite. Roan is just fine, I think.

Doubt Roan is dead.

Roll-ups are horrible (not the fruit kind). You want me to believe that someone who has trained in wrestling their whole lives (or even 2 weeks), is suddenly baffled when someone rolls them up for 3 seconds. People kick out of being kicked in the head, and countless finishers, but a roll up is just too devastating to

The main cast was an asshole group from day 1.

I like Nick too, I just hate his super-power; he can identify all drugs on the planet. Did he take some radioactive Vicodin? They need to explain this ASAP.

Was a good episode. This is what happens when they give us other assholes to hate that aren't the main cast.

They need to let them put more emphasis on their "Manly" stuff (ok, that kind of came out wrong). It's a good catch-phrase and persona.

3 guys, same merchandise.

Your points are valid, but give it more than one episode to address them, heh. Did you expect Sara and the LoT guys to show up this episode and bring Laurel back?