
i didn’t realize how difficult her time after the spotlight was for her. y’all young ‘uns have grown up with Magic Johnson looking all “swole” and healthy despite having aids, but i’m a gen x’er.

Men were.

I find myself leaning more and more in favor of vigilante justice as I get older... some people really do just need the shit beat out of them.

I got into Sherlock first and was determined to not touch Elementary because of preconceived notions regarding a female Watson. However, caving in and binge watching Elementary’s first two seasons was one of the best decisions I made. I was blown away by the quality of interactions and characterisations of all the

I think Junot Diaz says it best:

I just loved Rey in this new movie. She is capable and strong.

There was no mother. She was conceived by midichlorians and Luke gave birth to her. :D

Every song is autobiographical, always. Especially Guns N Roses doing Used To Love Her.

Congratulations, you have earned 100 dillars from Deadspon.

Kitten livestreams from Langley, British Columbia, run by Shelly Roche (and escaped American). They’re also on Facebook and Twitter, and are home to Cassidy the #MiracleKitten (born in a feral colony, lost his back paws shortly after birth, likely chewed off by accident by his mother when she was

I fucking give up.

Remember how we always think this is gross when a man is saying it about a teen girl? I remember.

I’ll take the gun, please and thank you.

Queen you shall be... until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear.

Lots of women have rape fantasies. Please remember that kink shaming is not okay, and neither acting in nor viewing videos simulating rape is an endorsement of actual rape.

So he became Hemsworth the greater by eating all the others?


I'm so ready for this plot-line to evolve into my favorite Tribe and the rise of VR Zoot!