YS Kim

She looks more like Anna Paquin imo

Um… so why is is this in the AV Club Most Read section again?

Are the other episodes in this season going to be called "Live Free and Die" and "Die With a Vengeance"?

I first thought this said Peter Jackson instead and was utterly befuddled.

Ben Mendelsohn, maybe?

Is this a deliberate Snowpiercer reference?

Your mom bored me.

oh bollocks. well, colour me incorrect.

not sure if that was intentional or not, but it was Bob DeNiro, not Keitel

TBH, I always thought assigning a specific location and nationality to the characters of ASOUE took away the universality of the story- this isn't just a tale that could happen in England, or even America, or Australia, etc., this is a story that is currently happening to our world. It can happen to anyone, no matter

wtf, why is this article on Most Read all of a sudden. this was posted over a year ago.

He looks like a cross between Richard Jenkins and Gary Oldman.

World War Z should have been an HBO mini series.

I've read through the entire article and I'm still confused.

heh, i love how you used the title of this show as an excuse to make a completely off-topic and pessimistic comment about donald trump. actually sort of fits in with the tone of the original book series.

…why would they say that?

looks like wheatley's most accessible film to date. not really a compliment.

lmao i was wondering when the backlash for this YT channel would be settling in.

evolution from adorkable to sitcom gold? more like evolution from pompous banal garbage to really fucking pompous banal garbage!

in fairness, Rabin later disowned the term.