
I’m joking, and not talking about the actual Point Break remake at all. I’m saying Fast and the Furious 1 is effectively a remake of Point Break and was a perfectly fine fun dumb movie that started a franchise which has obviously made a ton of money.

Pretty boy undercover cop infiltrates a gang that mixes criminal activity with tight knit socializing within a trendy subculture. Cop bonds with the leader of the gang and his loyalties become blurred.

To be fair, a remake of Point Break sparked one of the biggest franchises out there, so that kind of worked out.

It’s cool, I’ve been there. :)

Yikes. Uh...that answer was a joke. Obviously Superman has a bunch of physically powerful enemies besides Zod, and obviously there’s more to Luthor than the land scheme plot.

Selfie was fantastic.

They like Zod because Zod can actually fight Superman, instead of Real Estate Scheming him to death.

“I like television and movies where the only reasonable outcome of the current situation is what you see happen on screen. Anything else is sloppy writing.”

Imagine Dragons at least will inject some anthemic arena rock energy into their songs, which comes in handy when you want to listen to something while cleaning the bathtub or whatnot.

Drew mostly seems to not like how quiet and poppy they are, which is not something Tame Impala will fix, in terms of loud rocking.

Sports in the real world tell you that “power levels” vary from encounter to encounter. Comic books are even more inconsistent about power levels.  The list of people Captain America or Spider man have beaten in fights, despite being, technically, lowish-level in terms of raw power is hilarious.

And all that additional Tilda Swinton and Renee Russo material.

I went with a bunch of friends, cried bout a solid 1/3 of the total running time, and several times just muttered at the screen “What is this movie?!”

No one is attacking him because he’s a single dad. They’re attacking him because he’s a misogynist hypocrite.

Enh, to be fair, he listed a bunch of player number he wanted protected and several of them were black players.  I think he’s just really intense about that Super Bowl era team.

“I’d wager many people would pay for premade sandwiches with tomato, lettuce, onion, cheese and maybe cucumber.”

Agreed. I don’t get the dumping on the Body Issue.

I genuinely liked the Body Issue. Instead of models in swimsuits you got actual athletes, and you got to see how the particular sport/position they did shaped their body compared to different positions or different sports.

Wildly varying/inconsistent power levels and poorly defined power scopes are the most authentically comic book thing imaginable.

“but it for sure as hell won’t be watched on repeat.”