
@mfusion: Someone is taking the copyright battle a little too seriously ;).

@Adam Pash: Then why did Gawker do it? It makes no sense.

@cskelldog: Wrong Steve. Wozniak is down-to-earth, and overall a great guy.

I'm interested.

@2-7offsuit is ioos: Just say your HDMI is plugged into your DAC and that the DVD is failing. That should trick it well enough :P.

@pvcrisp: I'd be wary of running a tool like this on an Ubuntu based system. Red Hat (Fedora) and Debian (Ubuntu) bases are vastly different, and this seems to rely a lot on the packaging system. It might work on Mandriva, though.

@Follower46: IMO, if you buy a song, you should be able to redownload it as many times as you like. Zune Marketplace seems to have this down, why can't anyone else get it?

@eagledrc: It's ok, you don't want to find out.

@aj_robins: Stay away from digsby, I'd say, they're looking at distributed computing as a profit model. Pidgin's pretty solid though, and I'm loving trillian.

@rpmiranda: It's easy, the hard part is having it *not* sync back to your corp's BB Server. AKA, impossible. Useful to know if you're buying used, wipes don't remove the security policy. []

@robio376: telepheedian at gmail dot com, please!

@David Gilling: they stopped offering downloads, and plus, that build is old news now. This is a couple of revisions ahead of any official releases.

For right now, I'm content with build 7068, although I have another box I might put this new build on. Doesn't look like too much of a difference.

@M4NIC: I believe AMDS was added for the iPhone, I don't remember seeing it in iTunes until after the iPhone's launch.

@Phoshi: Even better, pidgin, I like miranda, but you have to spend quite a bit of time getting it all plugged in, and Pidgin is now feature complete with Digsby for the most part, it can notify of emails and chat on facebook with the right plugins.

I'm calling for a revote on Digsby. Many things have changed since it was last seen. More specifically, the company's been taking the spyware route for profit lately, and there's an option in the settings now that asks if you want to help with "research", it's marked by default and they don't tell you this in the

@Tsylord: I think google toolbar installs the chrome equivalent to that feature now, although I'm not a real fan of it (love chrome though).

@majortom1029: With all the digital content out there for free online, I think it's worthwhile to keep a solid internet connection at home, in fact, we bought the upgraded package on ours (2x the speed for $8 more) because we started to use Netflix streaming and torrents more, it's definitely worth the cost in a house