
He used to frequent the ski lodge I worked in in the early 2000's.  He’s my kind of lover for sure...

You rule at proofreading, shitbird.

This made my day...

Did you forget that we’re talking about Philadelphia?

What Would Ray Stussy and Nikki Swango have to say about this atrocity?!?

Poot was worse, even colder than Bodie.  I hated Poot from episode 1

oh yeah, and much worse.  

I live less than 2 hours from Montreal and yet I only go up once or twice a year because of this. I can’t imagine how bad it is in rural Quebec...They don’t stop once they cross the border into the States either. I don’t bother going to the city nearest to me (a small college town) on the weekends because the stores

not continent, earth

Chara belongs in a zoo.

More of an advertisement...for long Island girls.

It’s Jimmy Fucking Cliff, genius.

Whatever. Youngblood is a great movie.

Purple haze...

You sound like fun...let’s never meet.

It doesn’t make them a bad person.

Those pussies have nothing on Van Halen’s original lineup...

I was a member of that generation, but Crue was one of the bands I never liked.

and mootzadell...