
Ha, check out the "Should video games that contain contentious themes such as rape be banned? " Poll.

@AchromaticMagus: I put buying GoWIII on hold because I found Persona 4. I've also logged 2x as much time in P4 as FFXIII, and I got them at the same time. I love this game.

@nipsen: Well, since its Activision, its more likely that they are simply writing "$" over and over.


@mattymoo85: Killing off all my animals in Harvest Moon by starving them.

@Blastarr: Oh, come on. You're entitled to your opinion, but company that has produced numerous highly polished shooters is not garbage by a long shot. Even if you hate the MW series, the earlier CoDs were great at their releases.

About time. For an MMO released in September, it shouldn't take until March to release a patch (heres hoping it actually gets released in March.)

Yellow Light of Death. (Which is what happened to me today.)

@Witzbold: No coincidence that BF: BC2 releases tomorrow, eh?

@OddyK: It wasn't the grind that killed the game for me. It was the complete and utter lack of added content.

@Brian Crecente: But I wanted a pony, Mr. Crecente! Why can't I have a pony?!?

So many gigabutts!

If I were in his shoes, I'd more closely adhere to the "speak softly and carry a big banhammer" mindset.

@EmeraldStorm: I think the colors might work if the game was cel shaded and looked like Zero Mission art.

The new Varia suit looks like it was manufactured by Nerf.

It isn't really worth the asking price. It consists almost entirely of recycled content. I was very disappointed by RtO.

@OW-Holmes: Yeah, that's more along the lines of what I actually did. I was disappointed that enemies don't get impaled by your drill like in the trailer for the first Bioshock. The drill had a lot more potential for awesome than was realized in the final product.